Avoid the frustration of having a deal fall through because of items on a physical inspection. Often it is nothing major that ruins a deal, but a number of small items that scare off a potential buyer.
When your client hires us to inspect their house, you can be sure that all deficiencies will be reported. This will allow them to address and remedy these problems, or at least disclose them to a buyer.
It is a broker/selling agent's responsibility to be sure the buyer is fully aware of the condition of the property they are buying. The best way to do this is to have a professional home inspection. But referring someone exposes the agent to liability. BE SURE the inspection company you recommend is carrying Errors & Omissions and General Liability insurance.
Errors & Omissions Insurance (E&O) and General Liability.
PROFESSIONAL IMAGE AND CREDIBILITY - A professional home inspection report helps extend credibility and integrity to the image of the real estate professional. It says the firm and its sales associates are genuinely concerned with the best interest of both buyer and seller, thereby reflecting on the realtor's integrity.
LESS LITIGATION - Home buyers are less likely to file suits alledging misrepresentation or fraud when the sale is preceded by a home inspection.
MORE SALES - Buyers tend to be positively influenced by a professional home inspection report, improving the speed, price and likelihood of a sale.
LESS NEGOTIATION - Prior acknowledgement of any defects reflected in sales price may leave buyers with very little objection.
REDUCED LISTING TIME - Providing insight into the condition of the home, we help you reduce the overall listing time of your client's home.
QUALITY ASSURANCE - Our inspectors adhere to the standards set forth by the American Society of Home Inspectors (ashi).
NEW HOME BUYER DISCOMFORT - Many home buyers believe that a brand new home comes problem free. But even the best builders make mistakes. Our impartial inspectors can disclose items in need of repair or reinstallation. This will reduce buyer remorse over their new home. We have total commitment to the satisfaction of our customers.
The home inspection benefits all parties involved in the real estate transaction.
We use state-of-the-art equipment including Carbon Monoxide detectors, gas leak detectors, moisture meters, laser temperature gauges. We use the best on-site reporting system to provide you with the most complete home inspection available.
Members of the National Associations of Certified Home Inspectors
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